July 16, 2014

Frightening Phenomenons of the Coming Storm

Storm is coming
Storm is coming – San Juan Del Sur, Nica 

Nature is unbelievably beautiful, but sometimes she strikes fear in the hearts of man when her power amasses into thunderstorms from hell, towering infernos of rotating wind, pounding hail, and savaging supercells that spin out of control into meteorological menaces. The dark clouds warn us of impending doom, but some adrenaline junkie storm chasers go toward the danger in the name of science.

Coming Storm
Stormy Weather

Coming Storm
Coming Storm

Coming Storm
Stormy Sky

A Storm Is Coming by chiwou
A Storm Is Coming by chiwou

Coming Storm
Stormy Weather

Coming Storm
Storm Coming

Coming Storm
The Storm is Coming

Storm is coming
Summer Storm, New Zealand

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